Tuesday 3 February 2015

Quote Number 2

Hello again,

Want to say thank you to all readers - I really appreciate every reader reading this blog!

Quote number two today...

"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealously or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace."

This lovely quote is my Milan Kundera. I really like it - it really does explain that doing nothing and just spending time with your dog is peaceful and not at all boring. As fun as showing, training and playing with your dog is, just spending time with them and loving them are all you need. Sitting with them isn't boring - all time spent with dogs is fun, and should be appreciated! Honestly, the amount of people I see looking bored at dog shows that I go to - dogs aren't boring! And how many people say that handling and showing (and obedience, may I add) are boring compared to agility and heelwork to music? Just being with your dog is lovely; a great way to enjoy life. Dogs ARE our link to paradise.

Thank you for reading!

Kelseigh :)

PS - I will try to get some pics of the dogs I show - promise!


  1. Hi,great blog! I am Frada from blog My Mutt Riley. I am only 11 and live with my mini schnauzer pup Riley, and I am hoping to train her in agility. I like great-danes, my grand parents had one and it was on a TV show a long time ago. I will be keeping up to date with your lovely blog.

    Best barks Frada and Riley!

    1. Thanks!! Awwww, puppies - my friend has a schnauzer called Harley, he's quite old though!! I saw your blog the other day, it's great, definitely keeping up to date with it!! That's so cool!!
